"...the Bible is a Myth"
Professor Dr. Mark Hanna
(Verita Seminary in Murrieta CA) Author of Biblical Christianity: Truth or Delusion?
"I greatly appreciate you for writing it...I don’t know of any other book that fills the niche like yours. I am grateful you wrote it. Be sure that I will recommend it to others and in the next edition of my book or any other book I write, I will give it the highest recommendation. The Lord has enabled you to do an outstanding job. It will significantly advance the cause of Christ and strengthen the faith of many... You are in the forefront of the battle against their notions, and you are eminently qualified to defend the Scriptures. Your book needs to be widely read. Please continue the good work to which God has called you."
Steve Brown
Radio broadcaster, seminary professor, author, Key Life Network
"I loved the book – big – and I learned so much from it. It's so good I can hardly stand it. When you've been doing this religious thing as long as I have, it's rare to learn anything new. I learned something new on almost every page of your book – and rejoiced in the learning of it. In fact, I feel like I've just received an education and become, as C.S. Lewis put it, "far older." One would think that much of what you wrote would be familiar to me. (I eat college professors for lunch.) Fact is, your book taught me things that blew me away and, at the same time, made me "rest easy" in those areas where I know very little and don't often frequent. Thank you for writing it. I'll be recommending it in a lot of places where "darkness" seems to have crept in."
Brett Nordick
"My wife and I traveled with Dr. Tom for a week on a Holy Land tour. During that time I saw Dr. Tom “the shepherd” leading devotionals and prayer, counseling, baptizing, and reading Scripture passages as we filled our souls with the wonder of the Holy Land. When we were standing on the Tell at Jericho I saw Dr. Tom “the professor” as he defended and supported with evidence the Biblical account of Joshua’s destruction of that city. I realized then the severity of the battle that is raging over the Bible and that I was listening to a great modern day defender of the faith and the historical accuracy of the Bible. I strongly encourage you to read this book."
Rabbi John Fischer, Ph.D., Th.D.
Academic Vice President, St. Petersburg Theological Seminary
"Dr. Tribelhorn has served for many years as one of St. Petersburg Theological Seminary’s best loved and most respected professors. Now he extends his service to a broader community with this wonderful volume. In a most compelling and comprehensive—yet readable—way he marshals the evidence to answer questions and deal with issues that are frequently used to undercut a sound and reasonable Biblical faith. I have taught Apologetics courses for many years; this book will serve as one of my key texts from this point forward."
"Spent the whole day reading it. All I can say is masterfully written and a tour de force. Well done!"
David Rohl
Bestselling author, explorer, TV personality,and world-renowned Egyptologist and lecturer
Dr. John DeLancey
Pastor and Holy Land Tour Leader Stoneridge Church, Allison Park, PA www.biblicalisraeltours.com
"The historicity of the Bible continues to be under attack. With clarity and conviction, Dr. Tom addresses these assaults on Scripture with the eye of a scholar and the compassionate heart of a father in full support of the accuracy and truth of the Biblical text. This book is essential for any student of the Bible who has been confronted with the question of whether the Bible can be trusted historically. Using his knowledge of archaeology from the lands of the Bible, the author brilliantly presents compelling evidence for the accuracy of Scripture."